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Preparing your child in early years through learn through play STEAM

Preparing your child in early years through learn through play STEAM

Preparing your child in early years through learn through play STEAM

According to Forbes, “our children now require an education to fulfil skills and jobs that do not even yet exist - as we prepare for a new 4th Industrial revolution it is imperative that our children have a holistic approach to knowledge, skills and life. It is therefore vital that we are educating children as soon as possible with an interdisciplinary approach, applicable to what they will face in their future lives and one that is full of creativity and innovation”.

STEAM learning is becoming increasingly common in the years before formal school education starts. STEAM in the early years focuses on self-directed play and exploration rather than directed teaching. Think about scientists conducting experiments – these are the kinds of curious and inquisitive minds that OKIDO is always looking to encourage in children.

OKIDO believes that we can all help introduce STEAM learning skills very simply by: being relaxed, playing side-by-side, asking questions together and discovering the answers along the way. Through questions, looking, thinking and investigating, you and your child can discover and learn together.

The OKIDO secret is to tap into their natural and innate curiosity about the world around them. By simply allowing your child to investigate and by encouraging them to ask questions about the real world, you are engaging them in STEAM learning skills.

Fun, indoor or outdoor adventures can involve fantastic informal learning opportunities. Building a den together, for example, can involve every element of STEAM learning:

Science - How can a den stay up?

Technology - Can we make it large enough to fit inside? Does it need extra support?

Engineering - What sort of fasteners should we use at the edges? Will clothes pegs work or how about string?

Art - What do we want it to look like? What does a tent look like, or what about a cave? Could you try to draw it together first?

Mathematics - How many corners are there? How many pegs were used?

You can use this STEAM approach with most simple, every-day activities - cooking, messy play, junk model making, shopping or a walk in the park.

Children that experience this type of learning in their early years are shown to have a better chance of transitioning into and through school life with ease. Plus, encouraging STEAM learning skills through these OKIDO learning-through-play techniques will help your child’s cognitive skills, communication, collaboration, social skills and will give them the perfect head start to their education.

“To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” Leonardo Da Vinci Discover more about the OKIDO approach to STEAM EDUCATION.