Stop The Slide! How to Prevent Summer Learning Loss
Don’t let small scientists slide back this summer!
Yes, summer is a time for fun, but it can be a time for learning too. In fact, that’s the attitude you should have whilst parenting young children during the school holidays. Anything to stop the ‘summer slide’.
Defined as a child’s loss of knowledge and academic skills over the long summer break, the ‘summer slide’ (or summer learning loss, as its also known) can cause young Messy fans to fall behind in their studies. Which, we think you’ll agree, is concerning. Luckily, there are plenty of steps you can take to ensure your child doesn’t suffer for their time away from the classroom.
What Evidence Is There That the Summer Slide Is Real?
Since the early ‘90s, the summer slide has been a recorded phenomenon in children’s education. As we advance well into the 21st century, the problem has persisted – especially now young learners get a minimum of six weeks off.
A survey of 2,000 parents, conducted by Explore Learning, found that nearly three-quarters felt their child’s academic ability slipped over the summer break. It also showed that one in five children appeared significantly less engaged by the time they returned to school in September, and half did not look forward to resuming lessons at all (a real blow indeed, on many levels!).
Are Schools Committed to Preventing Summer Learning Loss?
In theory, yes. For example, Barnsley Council in Yorkshire became the first local authority in England to reduce the length of school summer holidays (capped at five weeks instead of six, the extra time has been added to the October half-term break). This is believed to have helped with the prevention of summer learning loss in readiness for the next academic year.
However, schools and local governments can only do so much. Home is where the most noticeable changes are likely to be implemented.
Tips for Parents to Help Combat Summer Learning Loss
Sure, the summer holidays are for resting and recharging young brains, but it’s essential to find a balance between relaxing and keeping their minds stimulated before school starts again. Here’s how you can help prevent summer learning loss without stopping the fun!
- Make Regular Visits to The Great Outdoors
- Have Them Read Every Day
- Play Smart
- Enjoy Some Screen Time Together
If yours happens to be a tech-savvy household, there’s no harm in enjoying a little screen time with young learners. Educational apps and TV programs are great for peaking their interests over the summer holidays. However, do remember not to get carried away. They should only be watching with adult supervision for an hour a day at most. For further information about this topic, feel free to check out our guide for some tips on appropriate screen time for young children.
And if you’re after more ideas about stopping the summer slide, OKIDO magazine comes packed with fun science learn-through-play activities to keep young minds busy.
Don’t let the summer slide hit this year! Your young scientists worked really hard, so keep their little brains fit with some easy, fun educational activities they’re sure to love.